Powdered Kelp (Iodine Supplement)

Tax excluded To be shipped within 30 days after Order
  • সামুদ্রিক কেপ্ল যাতে রয়েছে ১২ রকমের ভিটামিন, ৬০ রকমের মিনারেল, ২১ ধরনের এমিনো এসিড ও প্রচুর আয়োডিন।  

  • MORNING BIRD POWDERED KELP is a dietary supplement designed to address iodine deficiencies in birds. Iodine is required for proper thyroid functioning. Iodine deficiencies can result in difficult moults, poor feather condition, breathing and singing problems, inactivity and poor breeding. POWDERED KELP provides the extra dietary iodine needed by Australian finches and eliminates balding in Gouldian finches.  

  • ডোজঃ এগফুডে ১গ্রাম ১০জোড়া ছোট পাখিকে প্রতিদিন।  

  • Active Ingredients: Pure, dried, powdered Atlantic Macrocystis Pyrifera Sea Kelp containing 12 vitamins, 60 minerals, 21 amino acids and rich in iodine. Non-swelling, non-toxic, non-polluting.
Re-stocked within 30 days

  • All personal information & data will be secured with us. All personal information & data will be secured with us.
  • In-stock product will be shipped within 24 hours. In-stock product will be shipped within 24 hours.
  • Up-opened/intact product can be returned within 24 hours. Up-opened/intact product can be returned within 24 hours.

Active Ingredients:

  • Pure, dried, powdered Atlantic Macrocystis Pyrifera Sea Kelp containing 12 vitamins, 60 minerals, 21 amino acids and rich in iodine. Non-swelling, non-toxic, non-polluting.

Data sheet

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